Areas of Expertise
Do you find yourself carrying tension throughout the day? Have you noticed your mind is in a state of constant worry, replaying conversations, or imagining the worst possible outcome?Anxiety makes it hard to relax, engage in tasks, and be present with others.
Therapy offers time to reflect on what thoughts and behaviors keep you stuck in this cycle of anxiety.
Major Life Transitions
Major life transitions ​can bring on a host of different emotions.
Together, we will work to process the emotions that you may be experiencing as you journey through and adjust to this change.
New baby
Divorce or Break-up
Career change
New diagnosis
Empty nest phase
Attention and Memory
Have you noticed it’s hard to start or complete tasks? Perhaps you start one project, only to remember 3 others and find it hard to focus and sustain attention. Do you find yourself frequently forgetting?
In therapy, we will work on identifying what may be interfering with attention, retention, and retrieval of information and how to overcome these barriers.